Saturday, Dec. 3rd from 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon. Please sign up at the back of the church or call Monica @ 308-0190 by Tues., Nov. 29. All parishioners are encouraged to attend, especially those in leadership; Parish Council, Parish Society, Welcoming Committee and anyone who would like to learn more about the structure of administration in Catholic parishes.
Please join us in the church social center on January 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM for our next Parish Society meeting. Light refreshments will be served-please join us!
The annual meeting of St. Charles Borromeo and the Synod of Bishops Consultation were both held at 1:00pm on Sunday, January 30th. The parish financials were reviewed and the church is in a solid financial position with operating reserves growing over the past several years. The renewal campaign has also grown significantly over the past 7 months of fundraising. The amount pledged exceeds 90% of the goal and nearly half of the overall goal has been deposited into the building fund account. A copy of the financial statements is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex. The Synod of Bishops Consultation followed and was led by parishioners Cindy Klapperich and Curt Halmrast. Those assembled were split into four groups and they did a group "carousel" in which four different focus areas were reviewed and discussed. The group reviewed items centering on: 1) Purpose of our Parish, 2) Direction of our Parish, 3) Worship and Liturgy, and 4) A Welcoming Culture. The group moved from each item twice with different questions posed, then ranked various priorities, and then provided feedback on two overall questions about how our parish can help meet needs of the community and what priorities we needed to establish for our parish. Paper copies of this survey are available in the Narthex. You can also answer these same questions online by visiting this link. The survey will close February 16th and the results will be available at the end of February.